The events of the last 4 years have taken their toll on all of us.
I don’t believe anyone has escaped unscathed. Our mental, physical and spiritual health have all been under attack to varying degrees. In particular, children have got the thin end of the wedge and continue to be bombarded with destructive ideologies and practices both inside and outside of “school.”
I’m holding a LIVE SESSION on Zoom on Saturday 28th August 2024, 7-9PM UK Time, to address these issues and offer at least some solutions to the problems we are facing.
Further details in the video above.
This session is free to attend but places will be limited so register to attend asap if interested.
Reply to the notification email you received for this post with your name and email address or message me to this Substack Inbox and I will forward the Zoom link to you.
Another update will be sent out next week.
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